The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.
- Bruce Lee
I can't tell you what I dreamed last night. I lock all my dreams up in my heart before I wake up.
- Greta (age 4)

Sunday, September 28, 2014


"Wow man," I said to my new roommate, "Time really flies huh?" The guy just kinda looked at me strangely and grunted for his reply. Time really does fly though; last year I was just starting my senior year and already over the it, but now I am at college ready to start my my new life. Sure I changed in the last year in different ways. I'm a little taller, hair's a little shorter and blonder, and a little tanner. Aside from appearance I also changed I'm a little more outspoken, still a little too confident, but definitely harder-working. The last year was senior year. The best year of highschool. I definitely had fun taking advantage of all the perks, but it was the first year i actually applied myself to doing well in school and going for the grade and the knowledge not just the latter. The one thing I really learned though was that everything is always changing especially people and I'm no exception. Well that's about all the time I have to reflect. I'm going to go catch the last hour of my.... late night study group meeting.

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