The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.
- Bruce Lee
I can't tell you what I dreamed last night. I lock all my dreams up in my heart before I wake up.
- Greta (age 4)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

This is so rad!

LNF: Diamond of the Desert from on Vimeo.

Reflections on week one

1. I think I for the most part I'll be fine in participation. The only thing I can think of is the occasionally internet outage, but its rare enough not to be a problem. 2. To be honest I haven't encountered an epiphany-like learning experience, but if I ever do I will be sure to post it. 3. I'm very excited to basically be in control of my own experience in this class. I'm looking forward to the masterpiece project if that counts. I hope this course will teach me more ways to analyze situations differently, so I can solve problems more effectively.

Vocabulary #1

adumbrate - to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch. That chick over there, that you were hitting on earlier kind of adumbrates your mom. apotheosis - The exaltation or elevation of a person to the rank of a god. It's really sad how so many people made Justin Bieber an apotheosis. I bet they're regretting that now. ascetic - A person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons. I would totally become an ascetic, if I hated my life. bauble - A showy usually cheap trinket; ornament; gewgaw. Can i show you my bauble, it takes up like two slots in my pack. beguile - TO influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; mislead; delude. I beguiled my way into that concert last night. burgeon - To grow or develop quickly; flourish That palm tree really burgeoned in the last year. complement - something that completes or makes perfect Dude I swear that when I called you an idiot I meant it as a complement contumacious - stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient. I contumaciously jumped off the pier in front of the life guard. curmudgeon - a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person. Why are you always such a curmudgeon bro? didactic - intended for instruction; instructive You should be more didactic these math lessons suck disingenuous - lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere Everything you say is so disingenuous exculpate - to clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame; vindicate. It took three years, but I was finally exculpated from all charges of being too rad. faux pas - a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion. I agree calling the senator an ignorant ass, was definitely a faux pas fulminate - to issue denunciations or the like I totally fulminated against staying at school during and after lunch for my senior year. fustian - inflated or turgid language in writing or speaking: This entire paper uses fustian because the paper is rather weak. hauteur - haughty manner or spirit; arrogance. Bro you are such a hauteur. inhibit - to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check Not having my license inhibits me from suring everyday jeremiad - a prolonged lamentation or mournful complaint. The statement was a jeremiad for the lack of funding for exploration on and off this planet opportunist - a person who practices opportunism, or the policy of adapting actions, decisions, etc., to effectiveness regardless of the sacrifice of ethical principles If you've met my brother, you know he's and opportunist. unconscionable - not guided by conscience; unscrupulous. Your actions were unconscionable and you will be punished.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Poetry #1

1. The poem is The Laughing Heart by Charles Buckowski.
2. Corporation is influencing the target audience to purchase their product, while utilizing a poem that inspires one to be free and make one's own choices.
3.The poem does reflect the author's reputation. The author was ostracized as a kid and often beaten by his father for no reason. Though his work in school was brilliant, just like some of his works.
4. For #1 I googled the poem and clicked on the first link. For #3 I went to his Wikipedia page and went to the sources and clicked on "Charles Bukowski (2009) Barry Miles. Random House, 2009, ISBN 978-0-7535-2159-5[page needed]"

Essay #1

Chase Hugh
Terribly necessary
            Exile is something many people around the world have to deal with. Few though understand the true depth to exile and how sad it can be. How terrible exile is obvious, but as Edward Said said that the pain of being exile is irreparable, but can be “enriching” and “potent”. The saying “What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” comes to mind. Adah Price exemplified just this.
            Before even moving to the Congo Adah Price was voluntarily ostracized herself by only observing and not taking part in any day to day activities. Adah was already very cynical and had right be so, being crippled on one side of her body. She never really cared about anything due to her condition. How much harder it was for to move to the Congo, one can only guess. In the Congo she was further totally exiled from the only place she felt comfortable. Once in the Congo Adah go continue her exile in almost silence.

The turning point for Adah was when she realized she valued her life. Adah subsequently matures and becomes a participant in life. Her epiphany-like moment enriched her and inspired her to change. Though Adah kept some of her old habits like reading backwards, she was able to find true happiness utilizing her brilliant skills in observation and being able to see multiple meanings behind anything.

The books meaning directly relates to the quote “What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.” The surviving women of the Prices all came out of the experience for the better more or less. Orleana found her confidence again, Rachel still morally selfish came got lucky with her husbands, Leah found her soulmate, and Adah found her strength to overcome her adversity and become a great scientist.